'Tis the Season to Cough and Sneeze

I feel mostly recovered now, but just in case I bought the industrial size jug 'o' cough drops from the conbini. (I love the conbini.)
Goog afternooner
Labels: LIS
Life in Sanda, Sumo and Random Thoughts
Labels: LIS
Do the still sell C-Sen over at the combini? Maybe you should knock back a few of those? Get well soon.
Danielle! Wow! It's been ages...
How'd you find this blog? What've you been up to? Are you still lving in Europe? Let me know what's going on...
I stumbled onto this site by accident actually. Prompted by a month-long run of movies and documentaries to do with Japan, China and Korea on the TV here in Germy land, I started looking up stuff to do with Japan on the net (mostly for the purposes of showing my French-German boyfriend where I used to live). After typing in 'Sanda', one of the first things that came up in the search was this very interesting little blog starring someone who looked rather familiar. (After that I started having flashbacks to midnight runs to 7-11, karaoke, visits to onsens, watching movies and playing 'arsehole' at Yakko). BTW I was really bummed to hear that the cheese shop in Itami Diamond City is no longer there. That kinda sucks.
Anyways, losing the thread here ... am still living in Germany, teaching English and all that. I live not far from Düsseldorf now (which has a lot of Japanese people).
Next time you venture over to Europe you should drop by. Just let me know before hand so I can clean up a bit :)
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