It's a bird...It's a plane... It's a BABY!!!!
Just in case anyone hasn't heard the news; we are having a baby!!!
My period was a few days late this month, so I did the home test and the result was positive. Much jumping for joy and dancing around ensued!

We wanted to be sure though, so the next day we went to the doctor and had it checked out. It turns out we were correct and I got the first ultrasound picture of Kanou Baby #1. The baby is the little tiny black spot in the center of the white blob. The doctor said that it was about the size of a sesame grain.

Because my current gynecologist doesn't do deliveries we checked around with students and friends to see what hopital they recommended. Just about everyone said that Kobe Adventist Hospital was good, with friendly doctors and nurses and the added bonus that all the food in the hospital is vegetarian. The picture below was taken today. In only 4 days the baby has already grown from 3mm to 8.7mm! We scheduled our next visit for two weeks from Monday so I should have another pic up then.

I can't believe our luck! This was only our first try after going off the pill and we got lucky right away!

My period was a few days late this month, so I did the home test and the result was positive. Much jumping for joy and dancing around ensued!

We wanted to be sure though, so the next day we went to the doctor and had it checked out. It turns out we were correct and I got the first ultrasound picture of Kanou Baby #1. The baby is the little tiny black spot in the center of the white blob. The doctor said that it was about the size of a sesame grain.

Because my current gynecologist doesn't do deliveries we checked around with students and friends to see what hopital they recommended. Just about everyone said that Kobe Adventist Hospital was good, with friendly doctors and nurses and the added bonus that all the food in the hospital is vegetarian. The picture below was taken today. In only 4 days the baby has already grown from 3mm to 8.7mm! We scheduled our next visit for two weeks from Monday so I should have another pic up then.

I can't believe our luck! This was only our first try after going off the pill and we got lucky right away!

Labels: Baby News
Wow! That's nothing short of FANTASTIC! Congratulations!
I've been trying to think of something kind of snarky and ironic to say about joining the ranks of parenthood… but I can't! Parenthood is awesome!
And here are a few more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!
Please have a boy so ours can have someone to bully in Sanda.
Hey! Thanks, we're pretty darn excited too.
How old is your boy by the way? Also does he speak English?
That's the one thing that I'm really worried about. My husband doesn't really speak English very well, so I'm afraid our kid will be monolingual in Japanese with only me to speak English to....
He's going to be 2 next month. He barely speaks anything at the moment, but his gibberish is in both English and Japanese. My Japanese is pretty crap, so we have that going for us. I read him an English book at bedtime and my wife hits him with some Japanese. Also, since May he's been going to an International pre-school here in Nishinomiya, so for 9 hours a week all he hears is English. Unfortunately, that will end when we finally get to Sanda.
Amazingly, he seems to be able to separate the English from the Japanese. Of course, he is a genius so it shouldn't be so surprising.
We're supposed to be in our new house by the end of March, so your little one will also have us to speak English with (my wife is pretty fluent), if you're planning to stick around.
We all hope we can visit more often and/or for longer - and what about Skype? Set the tyke on your lap and let us make silly faces and English baby talk. If anyone can raise a baby to be bilingual you are the one - why not start mom & tot classes and include your own?
Mom- Thanks for the message. I thought you had given up on reading the blog. Now you'll have to read it to get all the latest baby news BWA HA HA HA HA!!!
So, Dad says you guys are all going to come out next year? Let me know when. The due date as of now is June 11th give or take a week, so if you could come a little before then you can see the kid when it's still brand-new!
We're going to be around for the forseeable future. Look us up when you get to Sanda, maybe we can start an English baby circle or some such!
ベッキー おめでとう!
慌ててて こけたりしないように
ゆみえ、Annie, Doinkies
おめでとうございます!!!遅くなってごめんね。 引越しでバタバタしていて、Becki's blog をチックしていなかったの。 今度会ったときに詳しく教えてね。 私もとってもうれしいで~す!
Just to let you know, there is a international preschool program run by lick community school in Sanda Honmachi...
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