
This year's first basho is off to a rather distressing start with brand new Ozeki, Koto'oushuu, the Bulgarian Bruiser being taken down on the very first day off the tournament by none other than Roho ( the ugly one). He managed to recoup on day two with a victory vs. Takekaze but then, lo and behold the Man from Mongolia was also shamefully taken out by Kokkai (who, incidentally is one of only 5 wrestlers who actually beat Asashoryuu last year).
It's shaping up to be a real contest this year rather than the clean-sweeps by Asa we've seen in recent months and I for one would not be surprised if Koto'oushuu wins his first tournament this January!
Labels: Sumo
If he starts winning lots of matches, can we start calling Koto'oushuu "The Man"?
Is it me or does his 'apron' (I don't know what the official word for it is) look like a yogurt container?
Are you saying that as a joke because you're 'in the know' , or was it just a fantastically lucky guess?
His apron *is* in fact a yogurt container, because the most popular brand of yogurt in Japan is Bulgaria Brand Yogurt, and he happens to be Bulgarian, so they're supporting him....
P.S. The technical term for his garment is Keshou-mawashi (化粧回し) which is usually translated as ornamental sumo apron, but mostly we just call it an apron...
Absolutely a lucky guess!!!!!!!!
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