
Today a giant has fallen.
Asashoryuu was ruthlessly taken down by fellow Mongolian Hakuho, and dropped to second place in the race for the title. After getting smacked about by Kokkai early on I would have thought Asa had learned his lesson, and not taken another trouncing this tourney, but lo and behold Hakuho got the better of him with a brilliantly executed arm-lock (although it was a rather close match).
This basho hasn't turned out anything like I expected. With top contenders Asa and Koto relegated to the second ranks, the competition is fiercer than ever; tied in first place are long-time Ozeki Tochiazuama, making a convincing comeback, and Maegashira #11 Hokutoriki, perhaps hoping for another chance at the cup after losing to the Man from Mongolia in the Grand-finale last time round.
Definitely the most exciting tournament I've seen in more than a year, and though I wish in my heart of hearts for Asa to set yet another new record by winning his 8th straight victory, it'd also be nice to see Hokutoriki get his own back, or Koto'oshuu win his first title, and I know Hiroko (one of my students) for one, would be thrilled if Tochiazuma finally took home the big punch bowl. Hell, who knows, at this point even Tokitsu'umi still has a chance!
Goog Niter!
Labels: Sumo
Today a giant has fallen again.
Ama was very strong.
I am quite certain Tochiazuma,my honey Daisuke, would be the winner.
But Iam very sorry Asashoryuu can't get a new record.
Hiroko? Is that you?
Thank you for your comment!
I was very surprised to hear that Asashoryuu was beaten by Ama. I will watch the match on the replay tonight on NHK.
Please keep reading!
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