14 August 2006

Random Stuff

I was searching on Amazon the other day, looking for some book or other (sometimes their search engine is really retarded, has anyone else noticed that?) when lo and behold I came upon this winner of a product: Goose Chase goose repellent.

I know what you're thinking: "Just what I've always needed; something to get rid of all those pesky geese that keep following me around!", right? You know I can hardly hear myself talk in lessons sometimes for all the squawking.

No really, obviously it's for golf courses and parks and things that people don't want getting all grossed-up by goose poop and what not, but when I saw this product sitting there on the page in the middle of my search for a biography of Queen Elizabeth I, it just struck me as hilariously incongruous.


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Blogger Becki said...

And I quote:
"What is GooseChase? It's a biodegradable, food-grade taste aversion agent, made from a bitter tasting, smelly part of concord grapes (active ingredient methyl anthranilate). It renders food sources unpalatable and inedible to geese."

15 August, 2006 00:51  
Blogger Granny D said...

Frank was looking for mole repellant (the animal kind of mole not the skin kind) - whoda thunk amazon had goose repellant - maybe they have mole repellant too

16 August, 2006 03:04  
Blogger Becki said...

Can't hurt to check! Don't they just use fox urine or something like that though?

16 August, 2006 11:57  
Blogger kumagoro said...

Dude, we could totally use that in Canada (it is a Canada goose pictured!). Those geese are friggin' EVERYWHERE. Even on traffic islands. And they are really violent too. Bite your head off like that *snap*

19 August, 2006 01:05  

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