I saw Dad and Julie off to the airport this morning. The time just flew by like nothing. We had a great time and saw just about every famous place in the Kansai as well as eating tons and tons of yummy food. I'll never forget these two weeks, and I'm excited about coming back to the States in August for the wedding!

I took a ton of pictures while they were here, and when I get some free time (like that'll happen any day soon!) I'll put up some more. For now though you'll have to content yourselves with these pictures of D and J at the departure gate and playing Mah Jong with Non-chan and Mr. Non-chan.
Labels: Dad, Family, Julie, Mah Jong, Travel
We are happy to have them back - I'm talking to Julie about play dates for Rupert and Queri when she is old enough. One thing you didn't give us the in-depth of was the Sumo matches!!
PS - How did your moving day go?
Would Mr. Non-chan be Nonchansan? Or perhaps Nonchansama?
I totally dug your dad's wicked 'tache, but I actually only said about 3 words to him. Sorry Mr. Larson (and Julie).
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