We Tied the Knot!

As of 11:30 on August 20th 2007 Shoichi and I are officially married! Yeah!
We went down to the Sanda City Hall and filled out all the various documents, had them signed by two witnesses (Thanks, Tristan and Luke, You guys rock!) and we are now legally married. I still have to go to the American Consulate to get my name officially changed on my passport, but from now on I'm Kano Becki!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I'd be dancing a jig if it wasn't for this darn broken toe!
Goog morninger!
Kano Beckiさん、結婚おめでとうございます。
Congrats and love to both of you. Here is a freaky date thing tho - Kate's anniversary is the same day as Katie, Jr's birthday - now your anniversary is on my birthday. Makes it really easy to remember!!!!
love you guys
Happy birthday! And congrats again to you and Dad too!
Congratulations! Best of luck to both of you and of course, all my love to Kano Shoichi and Kano Becki.
Thanks! i've been trying to get on facebook since you mentioned it, but for some reason my computer won't let me log in. I'm gonna try again on a friend's computer. You can always check out my MySpace though.
Felicitations, Ol' Broken Toe! Remember to name your first child after me (yes, even if it's a boy).
YEAH! Witness!
Congratulations! Yumie sent me the good news.
Wow, Dennis! I haven't heard from you in ages. Yumie was just talking about you and Alan when she came over. Please ask her for my number and give me a call or an e-mail sometime.
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