Let's get this show on the road!

Well, signs seem hopeful that Rintarou will make an appearance in the next 2 or 3 days. (...TMI WARNING...) I lost my mucous plug (...TMI WARNING...) and I've started to have some mild, irregular contractions. At least I think they're contractions, but I've never really done this whole giving birth thing before so....
Anyway wish me luck and in a few days there should be a picture of the newest Kanou up here!
Labels: Baby News
Good luck! Push, push, push!!!
Thanks! I'll try.
Shoichi and I have a bet on when Rintarou will make his appearance. I say today or tomorrow; he's holding out for the 17th or later.
Looks like you're gonna be wrong! Us guys have to be right once in a while to keep balance and order in the Universe.
I was right! Mwa ha ha ha ha!
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