Bones: 骨は語る
Our latest addiction is the crime drama Bones. We found it at Tsutaya and we've been watching it every chance we get. We've made it through the first 2 seasons and are starting season 3 tomorrow. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's gross, funny and sappy by turns and the ensemble cast is great. I especially love Dr. Hodgins (third from the right with the curly blond hair).

That's nice, but… Happy Birthday!
Hey thanks! I hope we'll have Nihonngo Salon this week.
Tomoe doesn't think we will.
Somehow I knew you would pick that guy...have you seen the new Intel commercial with Ajay Bhatt walking through a room of swooning Inteli-chicks? And yes, the blond is way cuter than that has-been goodie-goodie vampire (gotta say I always rooted for Spike - apologies to any actual Brits hereabouts).
Mom- thanks for the comment! We don't get American commercials over here though, so I don't really know what you're talking about.
I think the 2nd half of your comment is about Buffy, but I've never watched that either. Was on of the Bones characters on Buffy?
Sorry! Forgot you wouldn't have seen that ad. David Boreanaz (Booth) was Buffy's BF, then got his own show as "Angel".
Wow! He seems kinda old to have been Buffy's boyfriend. I thought she was a teenager?
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