09 August 2009


About the eyeballs, I was watching a cooking program and they went to a fish market and showed all the different parts of the tuna and how to cook them, and the last one was the eyeball. A tuna's eyeball is really huge, about as big as a baseball, and the chef cooked it in foil, and brought it out for the host to try. She looked a little grossed out, but she soldiered on and ate it. She said it was oily but delicious. I almost barfed just watching it. It's too gross to put up on this blog, so if you want to see what it looked like GIS マグロの目玉 for yourself.

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Blogger Paul YM said...

Once, at a buffet for a school event in Kanazawa, I dug into what I thought was a breaded chicken thigh. Turned out it was a fried segment of a fish head replete with eye socket and eyeball. It was pretty vile and it returned to my plate nearly immediately. I eat plenty of things that are pretty vile if you think hard enough about it, but eyeballs bigger than a speck definitely top my list of no-no's.

09 August, 2009 12:29  
Blogger Granny D said...

I am pretty much up for trying any kind of food. Not so sure about eyeballs tho.

10 August, 2009 07:14  
Blogger Joanne said...

Tried nato; tried mugwort jelly. Eyeballs is where I draw the line.

11 August, 2009 04:32  

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