For Pineapple-y Fresh Breath -

Breath Palette is a line of designer toothpastes that come in all sorts of weird flavors. Some are cool and delicious (e.g. #20 - Lavender) but others are just WRONG (e.g. #14 Indian Curry). They're a big favorite of mine, and of the ladies back home. Here's the full list for anybody back home that wants to put in a request:
1.あまじお (Light Salt)
2.トロピカルパイン (Tropical Pineapple)
3.ペパーミント (Peppermint)
4.フレッシュヨーグルト (Fresh Yogurt)
5.一番摘み緑茶 (Green Tea)
6.ローズ (Rose)
7.モンキーバナナ (Monkey Banana)
8.はちみつ (Honey)
9.キウイフルーツ (Kiwi Fruit)
10.カフェ オ・レ (Cafe Au Lait)
11.プラム (Plum)
12.津軽りんご (Tsugaru Apple)
13.バニラ (Vanilla)
14.印度カリー (Indian Curry)
15.ストロベリー (Strawberry)
16.カリフォルニアオレンジ (California Orange)
17.京風抹茶 (Kyoto Style Tea)
18.白桃 (White Peach)
19.紀州梅 (Kishuu Plum)
20.ラベンダー (Lavender)
21.ダージリンティ (Darjeeling Tea)
22.シナモン (Cinnamon)
23.巨峰 (Kyoho Grape)
24.レモンティ (Lemon Tea)
25.ビターチョコレート (Bitter Chocolate)
26.ブルーベリー (Blueberry)
27.キャラメル (Caramel)
28.エスプレッソ (Espresso)
29.グレープフルーツ (Grapefruit)
30.パンプキンプリン (Pumpkin Pudding)
31.コーラ (Cola)
P.S. WTF !?! From the bizarre coincidence department: I was just reading 'A Welsh View' (this website that I like) and he had an article on this same toothpaste today! Freaky...
Labels: Stuff
ps. do these toothpastes contain any fluoride or other plaque-fighting ingredients?
Check the website...
Indian Curry should never be a toothpaste flavor. That's just wrong. Although Jamaican Curried Goat flavor toothpaste might be a best seller
Do you have a request?
I bet it's just candy in a tube. If you actually used these your teeth would probably look like... most japanese people's.
oops... too late. I'll mail you some curry next time!
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