字一色 Tsuuiisou ツーイーソー

So I was playing Mah-Jong (麻雀) tonight for the first time in a while and doing tolerably well. No yakitori, but no big scores either. But the last hand of the game, I got the most brilliant hand ever! Tsuuiisou (字一色) or 'All Honors' which means, it was 4 triplets of jihai (字牌): North (北), South (南), Red (中), and White (白), with East (東) for the pair!
Pretty Frickin' Sweet!
That's a hand I can brag about for a while. And I won ¥2100! Yeah!
Labels: Mah Jong
I don't understand how you won at all, but yeah! Sugoi!!
I'm with Erica on that. I've got no idea what you're talking about. Congrats anyway!
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