False Alarm: Where is the Baby?

Sorry for getting everyone all worried/excited last night. It looks like Suzuna won't be putting in an appearance quite yet, after all.
Yesterday I started getting what I thought were contractions (and obviously turned out to be "false labor") around 10:30 in the morning. They were coming at about an hour to an hour and a half apart, so I threw myself into cleaning the house to make the time go faster. Well, the house got nice and clean, but the contractions didn't get any closer together and once disappeared for 3 hours. Then suddenly at 9:30 they started up again with a vengeance, coming every 10 or 15 minutes, so when Shoichi got off work at 10:45 we went to the hospital.
As my sister can attest, I was freaking out and afraid I was going to have the baby in the back seat of the car. She stayed on the phone with me the whole time for moral support. (Thanks Kate! You are awesome!) Then I got settled into the hospital and Shoichi took Rin and Rosie to his parents house, at which point the contractions promptly stopped. I was a little worried to go home and have them start up again and have to do the nail-biting ride to hospital again, so I consulted with the midwives and decided to stay overnight.
I had one or two weak contractions, but mostly I just got my nerves worked up waiting and listening to the women in the next bed who was really laboring in earnest. Then the doc came around at about 8:00 in the morning and checked my dilation etc. and said there was no change from when I came in, so I should go home and wait some more.
And here we are. We'll just have to wait and see what happens, but at the moment it looks like it's going to be a while. Ay yi yi!
PS- the picture has nothing to do with this post, but it was the cutest one that came up in GIS for "Where's the Baby?"
Labels: Baby News
Well, guess I'll see you in a couple of days - hope there's no more false alarms - that's an ordeal you shouldn't have to go through more than once (or EVEN once) at this stage.
Can't wait to see you, Mom! Have a safe and uneventful flight!
Super Snap !!!
Meaw :p
I remember my labor. i went to the hospital long before my contractions had started. and the moment i went there, i kept asking them for epidural, just because i was afriad of the real pains. and thus, all i remember about my pregnancy was sheer numbness in my lower body. i couldnt even shift my legs and couldnt even push!
i was curious to know how your actual labor went.
Good Site
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