29 October 2005

At Last!

Finally! For a while I wasn't able to add any pictures, but it seems like I can again now. So I should have the 'Elizabeth and Mary review up for eveyone tomorrow, as I'm too tired to finish writing it tonight.

Goog Niter

P.S. I think the not-being-able-to add-pictures thing may be due to the fact that I've gone over my quota of image space or something (I'm just guessing here, because after I deleted a few old images I was able to start posting again), so I'm gonna start erasing the images that go with the old posts and just leaving text.

P.P.S Apparently this wasn't the case at all, must have just been some kind of weird hitch in the server or something, and I've gone back and replaced all the pictures that I had previously deleted.

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Blogger kumagoro said...

I like pie.

31 October, 2005 11:36  

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