I Have the Best Mom in the World!

This morning bright and early (actaully a little past 11:00) a huge package was delivered to my house. In it was an overflowing bounty of marshmallow-y Easter goodness!
I got:
4 Gold Brick Eggs,
3 chocolate-covered marshmallow bunnies,
2 Reeses Peanut-butter eggs,
2 chocolate bunny lollipops,
2 small packs of neon-pink Peeps,
2 giant packs of lemon-yellow Peeps,
1 Small Pack of electric-blue Peeps,
1 Dozen Cadbury Mini-eggs,
and about a half-pound of loose jelly-beans.
(And a cute sweater with a bird on it.)
Wee-ha! My Mom totally rocks! Thanks Mom!
Goog Morninger!
P.S.: I'm wearing the sweater out today on my weekly jaunt to Kobe where I will go on a mini-shopping spree and reserve my tickets back to the States in July!
Labels: Family, Food and Drink
Um, I have a bone to pick with you! Although your mom is pretty nice, it is my mother who is in fact the "Best Mom in the World". Only one way to settle this: they'll have to battle each other to the death, womano a womano.
Dude! My mom will totally kick your mom's butt!
(Heard that Mom? You're scheduled for a death battle in Vancouver!)
Becki I have to agree, you totally have the Best Mom in the World! Signed, a totally unbiased party
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