New Shopping Center

The only thing I didn't like about the mall was the sushi-go-round. The sushi was fine, all standard sushi-go-round mainstays nicley presented with none of that weird meat-ball sushi or what have you that you often find at cheap sushi-go-rounds. But their soy sauce policy sucks! They don't have soy sauce out on the counters, so every time you want extra soy sauce you have to call over a waitress to come a pour a little splash of it for you. If you're like me and you like a lot of soy sauce to dip your sushi in this can get very old very quickly. And besides I don't want to be though of as the weird foreigner who uses to much soy sauce. I can't be sure but it seemed like some of the Japanese patrons were also a little PO'd by the policiy, so maybe they'll realize how much it sucks and ditch it.
Goog Morninger!
P.S. Last night I went to a hypnotist with a friend. It was pretty neat-o. I'll write more about it later so stay tuned.
Labels: Food and Drink, LIS