06 May 2006

News Flash: Boob Mountain Update

Nate, the newest addition to the Okaba gang, was kind enough to let me use this picture he took, which perfectly illustrates the sort of random shenaningans and weird happenings that occur daily at Boob Mountain.

Thanks Nate!

In other news, I should be posting soon about my vacation to Wakayama and my speecy-spicy new chili recipe!

Goog Niter!

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30 April 2006

Japanese Sand Lance

So, today in Voice we were talking about various kinds of fish and the students mentioned something called 'ikanago'. They said it was a regional specialty in Hyogo / Kobe and that everyone makes a big batch of it every year, boiled with soy sauce and sugar. I'd never heard of it, but they wanted to know the English name, so I checked on google and lo and behold 'Japanese Sand Lance,' it was. So know I know, and now you know, and soon the students will know too. The picture was just so vile I felt I needed to share it with someone.

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