Busy as a Bee

Then on Wednesday I went to my volunteering in the morning, hung out with the kids, and managed to get my hand scraped up trying to get a citron down from a tree for Ma-kun. After that I met my ex-Nihongo Salon teacher Yoko at Gusto to help her with the English version of a speech she's doing for NHK radio and she gave me some persimmons and some fried maple leaves (I'm kinda scared to eat them).
Then I went down to Eishuu to hang out for a while and read my latest Agatha Christie, and have some Omu-raisu. It was kinda cool, beause apparently my friend Hana has taken up the Sanshin (which is like an Okinawan version of the shamisen) and she and another friend of hers were practicing at the counter; Silent Night of all things!
Finally I got home, whereupon I got an invitation from Non-chan to come play Mah-Jong, which I did until a little past 3 in the morning. I didn't win anything, but I only lost about 5 bucks, so it seems that my slump is slowly coming to an end...
Goog Morninger!
Labels: Stuff