09 February 2007


Every day on the way to work I pass by this cute little house at Nirou station. I thought I would post it and share it with everyone. It always makes me smile when I see it; I hope it will make you smile too.

Also, a shout-out to Dr. G, who let me borrow his camera to take this picture!
Thanks, Dr. G

P.S. There's also a new post on 'Let's Signing'.
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    06 February 2007

    A Shout-out to My Homey Fancy-L

    I found this on the net somewhere (one of those 'wackiest photos of 2006' or something like that) a while ago and I've been meaing to post it for Luke. So here it is. This kid has gotten to realize his 'fantasy of going one-on one with a bear'. Are you jealous, Luke?

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