America Here I Come!

I'll be going back to the States to visit my family for 2 weeks in August. Here's the flight info for your edification.
Depart Osaka : 10th Aug 13:15 CI0157
Arrive Taipei : 10th Aug 15:05
Depart Taipei : 10th Aug 16:15 CI0012
Arrive Anchorage 10th Aug 9:15 (moving back in time)
Depart Anchorage : 10th Aug 11:15 CI0012
Arrive JFK : 10th Aug 22:15
Depart JFK : 22nd Aug 23:45 CI0011
Arrive Anchorage : 23rd Aug 3:05
Depart Anchorage : 23rd Aug 4:35 CI0011
Arrive Taipei 24th Aug 6:05 (jumping forward in time)
Depart Taipei : 24th Aug 8:25 CI0156
Arrive Osaka : 24th Aug 11:15
Yup- I have to stop TWICE, once in Taipei and once in Alaska, I'll see if I can't pick up some polar bear tooth key-rings or frozen moose poop or something at the airport for you guys! See you soon!