24 June 2006

The Prince of Curry

Tonight's Dinner is カレーの王子様, The Prince of Curry! It's curry for babies, and just about the only vegetarian curry base you can find in Japan. Although you can find plenty of "Indian Style Beef Curry". The mind boggles...
Goog Morninger!


21 June 2006

For Pineapple-y Fresh Breath -

Choose Breath Palette.

Breath Palette is a line of designer toothpastes that come in all sorts of weird flavors. Some are cool and delicious (e.g. #20 - Lavender) but others are just WRONG (e.g. #14 Indian Curry). They're a big favorite of mine, and of the ladies back home. Here's the full list for anybody back home that wants to put in a request:

1.あまじお (Light Salt)
2.トロピカルパイン (Tropical Pineapple)
3.ペパーミント (Peppermint)
4.フレッシュヨーグルト (Fresh Yogurt)
5.一番摘み緑茶 (Green Tea)
6.ローズ (Rose)
7.モンキーバナナ (Monkey Banana)
8.はちみつ (Honey)
9.キウイフルーツ (Kiwi Fruit)
10.カフェ オ・レ (Cafe Au Lait)
11.プラム (Plum)
12.津軽りんご (Tsugaru Apple)
13.バニラ (Vanilla)
14.印度カリー (Indian Curry)
15.ストロベリー (Strawberry)
16.カリフォルニアオレンジ (California Orange)
17.京風抹茶 (Kyoto Style Tea)
18.白桃 (White Peach)
19.紀州梅 (Kishuu Plum)
20.ラベンダー (Lavender)
21.ダージリンティ (Darjeeling Tea)
22.シナモン (Cinnamon)
23.巨峰 (Kyoho Grape)
24.レモンティ (Lemon Tea)
25.ビターチョコレート (Bitter Chocolate)
26.ブルーベリー (Blueberry)
27.キャラメル (Caramel)
28.エスプレッソ (Espresso)
29.グレープフルーツ (Grapefruit)
30.パンプキンプリン (Pumpkin Pudding)
31.コーラ (Cola)

  • Check out the website in English

  • P.S. WTF !?! From the bizarre coincidence department: I was just reading 'A Welsh View' (this website that I like) and he had an article on this same toothpaste today! Freaky...


    What's that? More Horacio Elizondo you say?

    Well ok!

    Since I don't have anything else to post today, here is a another helping of Horacio.

    Damn he's sexy!

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    20 June 2006

    Only 2 weeks

    Two weeks from today, I will be going home for the first time in a year. I am soooooo excited. In fact I spent today packing my bags so I am ready to skip out the door on the 4th. They're all packed with summery clothes and lots of goodies for the folks back home. (If anybody has any last requests for Japanesey-type things, let me know and I'll be happy to oblige!) And just as I write this very blog entry the last present for my little cutie-nieces was delivered by amazon. Yeah! I can't wait to go home. Swimming in the pool and eating delicious home-cooked food, here I come! Woo-hoo!

    Goog Afternooner!

    P.S. I also packed a new little Japanese friend for the girls ( LoL... just kidding)


    19 June 2006

    So close, and yet so far

    Just finished watching the Japan/Croatia game, and it was kind of disheartening. The last 15 minutes of the game the Japanese team just seemed to give up, when they should've been hustling all the more. We missed several good goal chances through lack of hustle and it was extremely frustrating to watch. We did end up with a tie score, but most of the credit for that goes to Kawaguchi (the goalie). We have to take on Brazil next and after tonight's lackluster performance I can't say I like our chances.

    Maybe they should just replace the Japanese team with these soccer-playing crows...

    Goog Niter

  • read about the soccer-playing crows
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    18 June 2006

    You know you want it...

    More Horacio Elizondo.

    He was the ref for the Czech vs. Ghana game tonight and was in top form, dispensing justice and yellow cards!

    Go Horacio!

    Goog Niter!

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