And in other news...

With all the excitement about the new baby I almost forgot about our other news.
For ages and ages we've been dying to get a new TV since the old one had worn out connector ports making it nigh on impossible to watch videos or play Wii. We had to tape down the cables so they'd stay at the precise correct angle, but if they got joggled even a bit we'd have to do it all over, so we finally just got rid of our ghetto-ass TV and got the lovely red model you see pictured above. It's also digital-compatible, so when Japan makes the switch to all digital broadcasts in 2011 we'll be ready!
We picked up an el-cheapo DVD player to go along with it since season 2 of Heroes is now at the video stores in Japan. (Don't even get me started about the British samurai dude's Japanese; it's rubbish). But Hiro is as cute as ever and I'm happy to see Sylar didn't really croak, he's such a fun villain. Also, did anyone else notice that Bob is Ned the insurance salesman from Groundhog Day? Probably not, but I recognized his voice right away. For some reason Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies ever!